Welcome! Please enter your Username and Password  below to access the referee schedule database. 

Redlands Referees will only be allowed to referee if they have the following:
  1. Current Registered as a "Referee" volunteer in Blue Sombrero
  2. Adult background check completed by Sterling Volunteers (Youth Referees do NOT need background checks)
  3. AYSO Regional Referee Certified or Higher
  4. AYSO Safe Haven Certified
  5. CDC Concussion Training Certified
  6. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certified
Upcoming Redlands Referee Courses
Regional Referee Online Companion Course: 
Intermediate Referee Course:

Please contact the Redlands Referee Administrator (RedlandsRRA@gmail.com) for any assistance needed in registering as a volunteer and for the referee course. Thanks!

If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact your Referee Administrator at RedlandsRRA@gmail.com.
Username :
Password :

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Please click here now to create a login account for this system.

Forgot your password?
Enter your email address below, click Reset Password,
and follow the instructions in the email that you will receive shortly.

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